Getting OLD? What Kind?

Sometimes when you are young, you want to be older. Most people I know get old before they get old. On the other hand, I have seen 80 year olds who were younger–way younger–than some 16 year olds. So, it seems that there are at least two kinds of “old.” One, where you have enough experience that you can take things in stride. That kind of attitude requires adjustment–like surfing on a board. The other kind of “old” is an attitude where everything needs to fit into a world of that person’s own making and when it doesn’t… Watchout! It’s an attitude of attitrude.
How Fast Are You Growing OLD!? Or Young? (C) 2014 by Mark Gordon
How often do you: A. Every day or near it. B. Two/three times a week. C. Once a week. D. Couple times a month. E. Once a month. F. Rarely if ever
1. Learn something new (outside your expertise). 2. Explore. 3. Experiment. 4. Listen to/make music. 5. Be grateful. 6. Use imagination. 7. Sing/Dance/Play. 8. Be curious. 9. Keep your word–especially to yourself (double points). 10. Smile at someone you don’t know.
How many of each did you have? A’s? ___ X 20 = B’s? ___ X 10 = C’s? ___ X 5 = D’s? ___ X 3 = E”s? ___ X 1 = F’s? ___ X 0 = TOTAL ……………… __________
If you scored: 120+ You have the secret sauce! 90+ You have nearly stopped aging! 60+ C’mon, your close! 30+ You’re “D” grading! 0+ There’s always the hope for reincarnation!